Chapter 1 : Section 1
Hotline Receipt of Information
The Department shall operate a statewide Centralized Intake "Hotline" 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to protect children by receiving incoming communications/ referrals concerning suspected child abuse or neglect.
The Hotline encompasses a toll-free telephone number and an electronic reporting service, specifically for the purpose of accepting communications regarding suspected child abuse or neglect.
If a person communicates suspected abuse or neglect to a Department employee other than through the Hotline, the employee shall assist the person in making a report to the Hotline.
The Department accepts anonymous reports; however, individuals making a report will be asked to identify themselves while being informed that their identity is confidential and released only as required by law.
The Intake Specialist gathers information from reporting sources using the Department’s standardized interview questions and operating guide to determine:
whether the suspected conduct would constitute abuse or neglect, including the severity and whether it involves criminal conduct;
when and where the suspected conduct occurred;
whether the suspected victim is under eighteen years of age and a resident of Arizona or is currently present in Arizona;
whether the suspected victim of the conduct is in federal custody;
whether the suspected perpetrator is the parent, guardian or custodian or an adult member of the victim's household;
whether the suspected perpetrator is an employee of a congregate care facility (group home or shelter) and both of the following apply:
the child victim is placed in the facility, and
the facility is licensed by and contracted with the Department; and
whether the identity or location of the child victim, their family or the suspected perpetrator is known or can be reasonably ascertained.
The Intake number may be provided to the reporting source when requested.
Online Submissions
The Department provides an electronic reporting service available for professional mandated reporters to report non-emergency concerns regarding child abuse or neglect. An online submission shall meet the reporter's mandated reporting requirements.
An Intake Specialist reviews all online submissions received. If the submission is valid, Intake Specialist downloads the information into a draft Intake in Guardian and completes the Intake, and follows Department policy and procedures in Decision to Take a Report to determine if the information meets Report criteria, or whether another intake category/type is appropriate.
If additional information is needed to assess whether the intake contains allegations that meet the statutory criteria for a Report, the Intake Specialist should contact the reporting source for more information.
Intake Categories
The Intake Specialist documents all concerns in Guardian under an Intake Category. Intakes with allegations of child abuse or neglect that meet the criteria for a DCS report are documented as Reports. See Decision to Take a Report. Non-Report intakes may require a response from the field or are maintained in Guardian for future reference.
The following intake types require a response or action from the field
These are assigned to the field and reviewed by a DCS Program Supervisor or designee to determine the appropriate response/action.
Action Request
Used when the Department receives a request to take a specific action, and there is no allegation that meet statutory criteria for a Report.
Types of Action Requests:
Court ordered investigation - used when a Judge, Commissioner, or Hearing Officer orders DCS to investigate circumstances related to a matter before the court. This may include a family, probate, or juvenile court matter.
Court ordered pick-up – used when a Judge, Commissioner, or Hearing Officer orders DCS to pick-up a child and:
The court orders that the child remain in DCS custody, and/or
The child is ordered not to return home, and
The child is not currently in DCS custody.
Courtesy assessment - used when another state, tribal, or federal child protection agency requests DCS interview a case participant on behalf of their agency. Not used when a home study is requested for a child to be placed with a non-custodial parent or relative in Arizona.
Courtesy placement - Used when a child is on runaway from another state and requires a living arrangement until the legal guardian (i.e. parent, child protection agency) can make arrangements to pick-up the child.
Intent to file - Used when an interested party notifies DCS of their intent to file a Private Dependency Petition (PDP) pursuant to ARS § 8-841(B) (1). Only use when the child is involved in the Juvenile Court system.
Parent unavailable – Used when a parent cannot be reached in order to take custody of their child, or the parent can be reached but does not have the immediate resources to take custody of their child (such as a transportation barrier). The assigned unit will problem solve options to avoid placing the child in Department custody. The Department shall only take custody of the child with parental consent. This type is not used if a parent refuses to take custody of their child, refusal to take custody of a child with no other arrangements will result in a Report.
Successor of Permanent Guardianship - Used when a permanent legal guardian is unable or unwilling to continue serving as guardian and a motion has been filed for the appointment of a successor permanent guardian. Only use when DCS facilitated the original permanent guardianship
The Intake unit assigns Action Requests to a DCS Program Supervisor, who processes the Action Request as either Action Taken or No Action Taken with an explanation provided. If no action is taken, document any notes and the reason for no action in the Disposition Explanation field of the Intake record.
During the DCS Specialist’s review of an Action Request, if the parent, guardian, or custodian refuses to take custody of the child, or if allegations of abuse or neglect that meet the statutory criteria for a Report become known, the DCS Specialist or Program Supervisor will contact the Intake unit. The Intake Supervisor or designee will change the intake category from Action Request to Report (retaining the original finalization date and time of the Intake) and associate the Report to the open Assessment. The Intake Specialist gathers the additional information, generates an Intake Addendum and associates it to the newly created Report.
Intake Addendum
Used when information received pertains to the same allegation or incident in an existing Report or Action Request, or when a DCS Specialist reports a new allegation on an active investigation. There is no time limit for when an Intake Addendum can be linked to an Action Request or Report.
If additional information is provided on a closed report, or assessment, the Intake Specialist will assess to determine if the new information affects child safety or previous findings (unsubstantiated/unable to locate):
If child safety or findings will not be impacted, then an Intake Addendum may be generated.
If child safety or findings will be impacted, then a new Report must be generated.
A new allegation or incident reported by the public requires a new Report.
Used when information received meets the statutory criteria for a Report. This includes allegations on DCS licensed foster parents and employees of DCS licensed group homes.
Foster Home Report:
The perpetrator is a licensed foster parent or other adult that resides in the foster home
The victim is a foster child, biological child, or other child that resides in the foster home
Group Home Report:
The perpetrator is an employee of a congregate care facility (group home or shelter) licensed by and contracted with DCS.
An employee of a congregate care facility is not statutorily eligible to be screened in as a perpetrator of neglect.
Employee Report
Used when information received meets criteria for a Report and the parent, guardian, or custodian is identified as Department employee, or an adult member of the child’s household is a perpetrator and identified as an employee. This includes all Department employees and employees of the Attorney General’s Office, Protective Services Section.
Status Communication
Used when information received does not qualify as a Report or Intake Addendum, and it pertains to an open assessment, open case, or a Report pending disposition for assignment.
Types of Status Communications:
AWOL - Used when a child in DCS custody is on runaway status / AWOL (absent without leave) from their living arrangement or caregiver.
DCS History Request (Child Welfare Agency) - Used when a representative of another state, tribal, or federal child protection agency, or Juvenile Justice staff member (detention officer, juvenile court staff, or probation officer) requests DCS history.
DCS History Request (Law Enforcement) - Used when a representative of a Police Department, Sheriff's Office, Tribal Police, or Out of State Law Enforcement agency, requests DCS history.
Medical Consent - Used when a consent for medication or treatment is requested by a healthcare provider, or their designee for a child in DCS custody.
Non-Report - Used when a source has concerns of possible child abuse or neglect, the information provided does not meet Report criteria and there is an open Case or Assessment.
Other – Used when information received does not correspond with any other kind of status communication.
Physical Injury/Sexual Conduct - Used when information received pertains to physical injury or sexual contact between children, and at least one child involved is in DCS custody. The DCS Specialist shall immediately respond to this status communication type.
Pick Up of Court Ward - Used when a child in DCS custody needs to be picked up from detention.
Placement Disruption Used when a DCS licensed or unlicensed caregiver is no longer willing or able to provide care for a child in DCS custody.
Request for Case Management Contact - Used when contact is requested with the assigned case manager or supervisor.
Request to Be Placement - Used when a relative or community member offers to serve as a caregiver should a child be placed in DCS custody.
During the response to a Status Communication, if allegations of abuse, neglect, or licensing concerns become known, the DCS Specialist shall contact the Intake Unit to report the information.
The following communications are not transmitted to the field for response, but are maintained in Guardian for future reference:
Used when the Department receives a request for notification, in the event a specific individual comes to the attention of DCS.
Types of Alerts:
Notification from Law Enforcement - Used when a law enforcement agency requests to be notified if an alleged child victim or suspected child abuser comes to the attention of the Hotline.
Notification from other State/Child Welfare Agency - Used when another state, tribal, or federal child protection agency requests to be notified if a family involved with their agency comes to the attention of the Hotline.
Potential Placement on Non-open Case/Report - Used when a relative or community member offers to serve as a caregiver should a child be placed in DCS custody.
Other - Used to provide internal notification to intake staff when the information received does not correspond with any other type of alert.
DCS History Request
Used when a request for DCS history is made by entitled personnel in order to fulfill official duties, and there is no open assessment, open case, or Report pending disposition for assignment.
Types of DCS History Requests:
Child Welfare Agency - Used when a representative of another state, tribal, or federal child protection agency, or Juvenile Justice staff member (detention officer, juvenile court staff, or probation officer) requests DCS history.
Law Enforcement - Used when a representative of a Police Department, Sheriff's Office, Tribal Police, or Out of State Law Enforcement agency, requests DCS history.
Used when an intake requires significant changes, and the Intake cannot be deleted from Guardian.
Screened Out Intake
Used when information received does not meet the statutory criteria for a Report, and there is no open assessment, open case, or Report pending disposition for assignment.
Licensing Issue
Used when information received pertains to a DCS licensed foster home or congregate care facility, and does not meet the statutory criteria for a Report.
If information provided references a child in DCS custody, the Intake Specialist will assess whether to also generate a Status Communication.
If information provided references a foster home of group home licensed by DHS or DES, the Intake Specialist will assess for the applicable Intake Category and apply cross-report protocols.
Community Inquiry
Used when a request is received for community resources and the requestor is not currently involved with DCS.
Unborn Concern
Used when information received pertains to an unborn baby, and the information will meet Report criteria upon the baby’s birth.
Examples include:
Prenatal exposure to drugs or substances and the exposure was not the result of medical treatment, administered by a health care professional. Indicators of prenatal exposure may include disclosure of substance use or abuse or results of toxicology or other laboratory tests on the mother
Domestic violence that would place the baby in serious harm or impending danger
Existing mental health issues that would place the baby at substantial risk of harm
The recent termination of parental rights.
Information Received by DCS Employees
DCS employees outside of Intake shall assist any person wishing to make a report of abuse or neglect in contacting the Hotline via the phone number 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445), or if the person is a mandated reporter, the DCS Homepage to login to the Guardian online reporting system.

A.R.S. §.8-455. Centralized intake hotline; purposes; report of possible crime; report for investigation; risk assessment tools; access to information; public awareness; definition
A.R.S. § 8-807. DCS information; public record; use; confidentiality; violation; classification; definitions
A.R.S. § 13-3620. Duty to report abuse, physical injury, neglect and denial or deprivation of medical or surgical care or nourishment of minors; medical records; exception; violation; classification; definitions
A.R.S. § 41-1010. Complaints; public record
A.A.C. R21-3-101. Definitions
A.A.C. R21-3-201. Receipt of Information; Centralized Intake Hotline
A.A.C. R21-3-202. Preliminary Screening